Frequently asked questions

How does the structure of having sessions work?

Our first meeting will be an in depth initial assessment of your difficulties. The aim of this meeting is to gather information about your situation, the difficulties you experience, the way they have developed over time and your personal history and background. We will discuss which therapeutic option best meet your needs and agree on an initial therapy plan.

Is my treatment confidential?

Your sessions are private and confidential and I strictly adhere to the ethical code of the British Psychological Society ( However, I may have to breach our confidentiality agreement if you were seen to pose a risk of harm to yourself or if there is a risk of harm to somebody else or if I am required to disclose information by a court of Law. You may want some information to be shared with your GP or your psychiatrist (if you have one) but no information will be disclosed without your prior informed consent. I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and  all recorded client information are held securely and kept confidential. I abide by the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the British Psychological Society and the Data Protection Act 1998.

What ethical code do you follow?

I am registered as a Practitioner Clinical Psychologist with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC), which is the regulatory body for Clinical Psychologists in the United Kingdom. I am also registered as Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) in the Division of Clinical Psychology. I am subject to the ethical requirements and standards of both organisations. I am a chartered clinical psychologist and I follow the British Psychological Society ethical guidelines.

Are you a registered healthcare provider?

I am registered as a Practitioner Clinical Psychologist with the Health and Care Professionals Council, which is the regulatory body for Clinical Psychologists in the United Kingdom. I am also registered as Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society in the Division of Clinical Psychology.

Do you work with health insurances?

I am registered with AXA health, CIGNA, AVIVA, VITALITY health, SIMPLY health, BUPA

What are your fees?

My fees are £130 for the first assessment session and £110 for follow up therapy sessions.

Payment will be taken in full on the day of the session or the day before if online paiement.

Please note that I will need a minimum of 3 days notice to re-schedule an appointment.

Appointments cancelled within this 3 days period will be strictly charged in full unless you have a medical emergency.